
M6112 question

While sewing McCalls 6112, I had an issue,"how do I stabilize the neck area?"  It just kept stretching as I was sewing.  The pattern directions said to sew it as 5/8 narrow hem.  When I wore it, by the end of the day it was showing a little shoulder on one side.  Does anyone have any remedies to this type of issue. How do you keep necklines on knits from stretching?

Peace Hills


Erica Bunker said...

INTERFACING, INTERFACING and INTERFACING! Use strips of nylon tricot interfacing at places that are prone to stretch out of shape.

nikol.joi said...

Thanks for the tip.

Andrea said...

I agree with Erica. Also, did you stay stitch the neckline first before you started sewing? You can also try stay tape on knits. Usually it's for shoulder seams so that they don't stretch out.

~ Kimberlee B ~ said...

I agree with Andrea. I would staystitch it first then use a straight, non stretching stitch to secure the hem, if you need more put as you are sewing the seam down put as skinny a piece, probably 1/8 or 1/4 in of staystitching along the seam line. You can interface, but I find that interfacing in places that may get stretched, for instance, when you pull it over your head, tend to buckle or get bumpy looking. Good luck!